My at home workouts slowly started about a year ago. Before that I was going to my crossfit box maybe 2 days a week, if I was lucky. I work full time, I am a wife, and a mom to 2 boys who at that time were 4 and 2. I cook dinner every night except for Friday's and ordering out every night would never be an option for me. I take value in what my family eats, it is very important to me. So during this time I found that if I wanted to be in better shape and lose a little weight the maybe 2 nights a week I got to the gym weren't going to cut it. I made the decision to start adding in workouts at home.
I started with an app called 12 min trainer. They gave me quick easy workouts I could do with minimal equipment because at that time all I had was... a barbell I think. I didn't have much. I may have had the pull up bar also. These workouts were perfect for my schedule because lets face it having a 2 and 4 year old running around how much time are you really getting for yourself! I still loved crossfit so eventually I started looking for the hero WODs crossfit has and I would do them on Saturdays. These are intense workouts that often took me a long time to complete and would crush me, but honestly that was what I was looking for!
As I started to realize this was going to be my thing I started asking my family for fitness equipment for any holiday I could think of. My husband bought me the box I have for Valentine's Day and I'm pretty sure it was at that point everyone thought I was nuts, but guys I knew this felt right and I knew I could make this work if I tried! Eventually I acquired a kettlebell, a wall ball, dumbbells, and if you follow my instagram than you know I just got a rowing machine.
My love for at home workouts really peaked last summer and it was then that I found Street Parking on Instagram. This was really a huge change for me. I found a big community of amazing people who had the same goals as I did. I had access to daily workouts as well as accessory workouts and I was hooked. It still amazes me, almost a year later, that I stumbled upon a community of such amazing supportive people. This is not a typical facebook group and I really can't remember one bit of drama I've seen on it!
I'm telling you all of this because many of us are facing a time where at home workouts are our only choice. I live in NY and as of Sunday night everything is "paused" (better way of saying locked down). Gym are closed and so is pretty much everything else. You have a choice to make you can sit on the couch and complain or you can get up and figure out a way to workout from home. Understand that you do not have to go and empty your bank account on equipment. There are people you are seeing on Instagram that have been accumulating all their equipment slowly over time but we all started somewhere. There are so many things you can do to keep yourself active and you should do just that!
If you need advice or help please let me know. I know working out from home isn't easy but the best advice I can give you is to embrace the chaos!
Be Strong!