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A New Adventure

Updated: Jan 2, 2020

My husband and I started a lifestyle change a few years ago. We both got very interested in fitness. This, for me, turned into a big interest in nutrition. Once I had kids that interest was sparked even more. I realized that I was in control of my kids diet. I had this opportunity to give them healthier options and to teach them about good nutrition. This was huge for me. I started analyzing different aspects of kids nutrition, especially school lunches (Something I'm bound to bring up a bunch)!

Ultimately, this and my desire to someday be an author of childrens books, pushed me to start my nutrition certification. This is something I've wanted to do for the last year. Helping people understand that nutrition is not an all or nothing lifestyle motivates me. If you love to eat carbs you shouldn't cut them out of your diet! You are going to be miserable and miserable people aren't consistent.

Going back to my kids, I think they pushed me even more. How could I eat horribly in front of them and then tell them they need to eat well and that what they put in their body matters. Would they ever listen to me? Not a chance! I wouldn't listen to me! My goal is to teach them what their bodies need to be healthy. It is not to tell them they have to be a certain weight or full of muscle. I want them to understand what a protein is and why our bodies need it. So my first start at this lesson was to practice what I was going to preach. If I wanted them to listen I would have to lead by example.

I'm not going to lie, when my 5 year old asks if the snack they are going to eat has protein I get strange looks from people. I do, but I'm ok with that. He is learning to make good choices. That doesn't mean we never eat unhealthy things. My page name has donuts before fitness in the title so please believe me when I say we are not hardcore healthy. We eat donuts and cake and ice cream. It's ok to eat a donut, it's not ok to eat one every single day or multiple! Balance is key.

Why am I telling you this? Well, I've been doing a lot of "me" work lately. I've been trying to determine goals I want to hit, goals I've had very a very long time that I need to start reaching for. I've had really great times and I've had times where I didn't know how I would go forward. This journey is my lifestyle it is not a temporary thing and I am a work in progress. I want to share with you my successes and my failures because that is what is real! Hope you stick around for the journey.

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